Heard of Lunchpool yet? What started as a quick, one-minute pitch at our recent Techstars Tampa Bay Startup Weekend event has quickly gained traction and propelled into early-stage startup territory. We had a chance to speak with one of Lunchpool’s co-founders, Alex...
Some of the startups that Tampa has fostered for years are those in the tech industry. If you have a startup idea of any kind, you need a website, and it’s very possible you’ll need an app. So to accommodate those businesses, web development businesses...
Tampa has become the place to come for some great food. Not only are we recognized as the origin of the Cuban sandwich, but as a foodie destination, we have thrived in the past few years with such places as Rooster and the Till, Ulele, Armature Works, and Sparkman...
If you think you have a hard time navigating the startup world, think about how you might do it with no right arm and only one finger on your left. Motivational speaker, Nick Santonastasso, has had to navigate through life with not just that, but no legs, either....
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas time! As a Christmas gift, we give you this video of Lead Organizer, JR Griggs, dressed in a pink bunny onesie. Oh, and also, registration is now open! After you watch the video go to eventbrite and sign yourself up! And then...