It’s Day 1 here at Tampa Bay Startup Week! To all that come to this happy place: Welcome! We’ve got a full lineup of events specially designed to help you make the most of your bright idea and turn it into a successful business.

But first, you’ll probably want to get a little work done, right? No problem. We’ve got a co-working space set up just for you at the #ChaseBasecamp in the Rialto Theatre. From 9-5 every day you’ll be able to come here and get some work done before heading off to your big events.

Events begin at 10:00 with How To Style in React and Not Lose Friends in the Hip room, just down the street from #ChaseBasecamp. This is a Coding/Developer track event that answers all the questions about React you ever wanted to ask but were too afraid to ask.

Lunch and Networking will begin every day at 12 pm thanks to EatMobile who have organized and provided the food trucks for the whole week!

At 5:00 pm, we will begin our Startup Showcase. This is an awesome opportunity for startups around Tampa Bay to show off their business to our community of entrepreneurs. Hopefully, you’ve already signed up for it! If not, come out and see all the startups that Tampa has to offer (so far!).

Finally, at 6:30 pm we’ll open the doors to our opening day Kickoff Party powered by Chase for Business! There will be food, music, entertainment, networking, startups, everything you heart could desire, and if history is any indication, it will be one of the best parties sponsored by a bank that you’ve ever been to!

Take a look below at our full schedule for today and be prepared for one awesome week!